Target Consumer # 1 is targeted towards all teenagers. this greeting will reach out to teens who may or may not know about this holiday but still be able to make them appreciate it. it wont matter if they dont even celebrate it they would just atleast have a common understanding of who celebrates it and why. also they might be made interested in it themselves.
Target Consumer #2 is targeted towards all of the elderly because most elderly people dont have alot of joy in there life and im hoping this will reach out to them and make them feel good. also theyll be givin a chance to learn about this holiday. i think this particular holiday will lift there spirits because its about lights and joy. also i want all elderly to be able to have a good moment and experience by reading my card so theyll feel good.
Target Consumer #3 is targeting chiildren. im targeting children because not alot of children dont even bother with holidays they are not familiar with. also i dont think children appreciate holidays for what they mean but for what they get out of it. i think if children see my cards theyll be more than interested in my holiday and theyll feel differently and look at it from a different perspective.
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